Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Sob 7:44, 24 Mar 2007    Temat postu: Upskirt Shots and BDSM Porn

Hi all!

Hey, Campers.

Allow me to bounce a little poser off you that's been gnawing at me for more than a few months now. I could use some fresh opinions on the matter.

Here's the Sitch...

I'm thinking of changing the strip's title.

Don't misunderstand this as any real dramatic change or anything. It's simply a matter of correcting an indirect mistake that this title caused from day one.

When I first started the strip, I originally was going to call it "Unit: Ajax," but I decided that was an awful title, and instead opted for something that would catch the eye of the browsing new reader and posibly draw them in.

I now realize that this was a big mistake, as it leads a lot of people in with the wrong idea about the strip. S&V isn't, wasn't, and never will be a full-fledged porn comic. I'm sick to death of getting e-mail gripes from 14-year-olds who piss and moan about how there's not enough sex in the strip, as if S&V is some sort of jerk-off material. Yes, there's occasional nudity, but it's never actual been a high-focus part of the strip, and I fear that the title is to blame for misleading a lot of people into thinking that it was.

So, I'm thinking of changing it. I realize that, by doing so, I'm throwing away a lot of name association and those blessed few people who actually link to my site would have to change their link names, but I feel like it's a step in the right direction.

Still... I'd like to get you guys' opinion on the matter. What do you guys think?
Mr. Holm is personally responsible for the quality of his comics. If you and your friends aren't completely and utterly entertained by any of his comics, it may result in his being booted from Keenspot. This will dishonor his family, which he can only restore by taking his own life with a sword.
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